KordonDent | İzmir Diş Polikliniği

Frequently Asked Questions

The frequently asked questions section is a resource where you can find answers to common questions. 

Teeth whitening is a solution applied to lighten the color of teeth that have changed color and yellowed for various reasons. It is the process of removing discoloration in the structure of the teeth.

There are two different methods applied in clinic or at home.

Studies have shown that the high quality whitening agents used today minimize the harm when performed in a clinical setting under the control of a doctor.

Usually, a white layer forms on the teeth after the food we take. If this layer is not cleaned well, it starts to turn into tartar, also known as tartar, over time.

Again, the rumor among the public that cleaning tartar erodes the teeth and is harmful causes much bigger problems in the future. Every 6 months, you should definitely go to the dentist and have tartar cleaning.

Root canal treatment is a treatment method that allows teeth that have lost their vitality as a result of advanced decay, fracture and inflammation to be kept in the mouth for many years.

The main reason to opt for root canal treatment is that it is easier to keep your old tooth, even if it is dead. The dead tooth should be kept because its presence in your mouth will help you chew food, speak properly and prevent bone loss.

Implants are basically prostheses that are made to restore the function and aesthetics of missing teeth or teeth in the mouth, are produced from the most suitable material for the human body, have a high success rate and can be used for many years.

Implant treatment is a treatment method that you will not encounter any problems if it is performed in a sterile clinical environment in accordance with the procedure.

Implant application can be safely applied to every individual who has completed their development, has good gum health and does not have a serious illness in general.

The wisdom teeth, also called wisdom teeth among the people, are the 3rd and last molars in the lower and upper jaw, located at the very back. They usually come out at the end of the 10s and early 20s. In rare cases, we can also see them erupt in the 30s. They are called wisdom teeth because they are the last teeth to erupt. These teeth are usually recommended to be extracted because they disrupt the health and alignment of other teeth. Due to their location, they can be extracted by simple or surgical methods.

Regardless of the age of the individual, injuries are frequently seen especially in contact sports. Injuries to oral tissues such as teeth, jaw, lips and tongue occupy an important place in sports injuries. Children between 7 and 11 years of age and individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment face this risk more frequently.

These injuries can be significantly prevented by using mouth guards.

Among the many methods of protection, the most effective are the protective trays that dentists prepare individually.

Although oral cancers are not well known until today, according to research, 50,000 people in the world get oral cancer every year and nearly half of this number die. Oral cancers account for 5% of all cancer types, which is a very large number. It is especially seen in people over the age of 40 and the incidence rate in men is 2 times higher than in women. The main causes of oral cancers are heavy alcohol and cigarette consumption, unhealthy diet, stress, poor oral hygiene and prostheses that are not suitable for the patient. Early diagnosis of oral cancer is very important for successful treatment. Routine check-ups by dentists are very important for early diagnosis of oral cancers that do not give symptoms in the early stages.
Contrary to popular belief, it has been observed that if a little more sensitivity is shown to the dental care that should normally be done during pregnancy, no problems are encountered. Another misconception is that the baby meets the calcium it needs from the mother's teeth, which is why the teeth of the expectant mother decay more during pregnancy. It is not possible to dissolve calcium from the teeth during this process. Pregnancy does not affect teeth negatively, but bad and neglected teeth affect pregnancy. Studies show that dental and especially gum diseases increase the risk of premature birth and low-weight babies 3-4 times. Therefore, pregnant women should pay attention to their nutrition, oral care and regular dental check-ups.

In short, we can say that the standard approaches of dentists are handled differently according to the changed physiological conditions of aging individuals and that this is done within a program. The situations of each of the aging individuals that differ from each other bring very individual treatment plans in the patient approach. Many plans should be based on how problems that may be encountered in the near and distant future can be overcome more easily, as well as producing solutions to the current situation. This approach should be considered differently in young and middle-aged patients.

With the new technology "Transparent Plate" method applied in the treatment of crooked teeth, proper and healthy dental treatment is possible with ergonomic transparent plates that are not visible in the mouth without the use of wires and brackets. We can see that aesthetic concerns caused by braces keep adults away from this treatment, and this problem is overcome with the transparent plate method without the use of wires and brackets. These aligners are completely transparent and very difficult to recognize and have aesthetic superiority over other methods. The age range in which clear aligner methods can be applied starts from children as young as 12 years old on average, and can be easily applied to every patient without any upper age limit.

Porcelain laminated, also known as leaf porcelain teeth, are porcelain teeth that are produced to meet today's technology and aesthetic needs, providing long-term use with their extremely thin, light-transparent and robust structures.

Laminates, which are applied especially to the teeth in the anterior region, are a near-perfect aesthetic solution for severely discolored teeth that cannot be obtained with whitening, for teeth with poor structural form and shape, for joining separated teeth, for correcting broken or worn teeth, for repairing old fillings that have deteriorated color and structure, and for correcting crooked and crooked teeth.

Laminates, which can be easily applied to people of all ages, provide the closest appearance to natural teeth that you can safely use by bonding the front parts of the teeth with very little, in some cases even without the need for abrasion.

We can call it an approach to minimize the visual changes that may occur in the lower 1/3 of the face with aging by using modern dentistry methods.
It is possible to remove the aging marks to a certain extent to support the reduced area, the vertical dimension of the face, the lower part of the nose, the wrinkles on the edge of the lips, and the depressions on the cheeks.
Lip and cheek support.
Shaping the teeth according to the face shape.
Making the collapsed bite open.
Correction of crooked teeth.
Removal of discoloration is within the scope of this treatment approach.

Separated teeth treatment, also known as diastema closure, is the name we give to the closure of the gaps between the teeth with orthodontic wire treatment, transparent plaque, lamina or filling materials called bonding. Today, these treatments should be performed due to aesthetic concerns rather than medical necessity. Bonding treatment is the easiest solution to this problem, but due to the discoloration of the filling materials over time, they need to be constantly polished and replaced in certain periods. Although orthodontic wire treatment is a permanent solution, the duration of treatment may exceed one year and fixative appliances may need to be used afterwards. Leaf porcelains will give the most aesthetically perfect and most useful results when done correctly.